Squid — Hunter of the Night

Tog­ether with the cut­tlefish and the dwarf cut­tlefish, squids are among the ten-armed squids, most of which are strictly night-active. Two of their ten arms, which are heavily pro­longed and are pro­vided with suction cups only at their thi­c­kened end, can be vor­ge­schleu­derted quickly, depending on the type of fish Weiterlesen…

Fire­works of colors

With more than 500 species from over 65 genera, the Wrasses (Lab­ridae) are after the gobies (Gobiidae) the second largest marine fish family. The majority of species can be found a pro­nounced sexual dimor­phism linked with a gor­geous color. It is espe­cially the males showing a true firework of colors Weiterlesen…